Monday, January 16, 1978
Curiosity got the better of me ... Why would you have an old copy of a newspaper sat on the window ledge inside your front door??? The anti-perspirant NOT as old. Matt is a roofer, he comes across old newspapers etc. when replacing/repairing roofs and finds it fascinating to browse them at home. Not sure how long this one has been here. The whole home is a bit of a jumble .. I'm not complaining though. Matt is building a new home on the same footprint, plus, when finances allow. It's going to be a very modern home when finished. I was there to look after Daisy. She can't go out yet as she's not had all her jabs so after an early wake up, avo on toast & black coffee, a couple of laps of the garden for her to do what was necessary I headed off on a bit of an explore. I walked down to St Mary's bay, very steep steps going down, only a couple of people on the beach when I arrived, one man & his dog, plus a lady swimming. It looked so inviting .. If I'd been a bit quicker thinking I could have stripped down to my bra & knickers and swam. Hey ho!!! I settled for a mooch, a litter collect, & people watch. A few people with dogs arrived, walked the beach and swam, some then left others remained. The dogs enjoying the water as much as their owners. Next time, if there is a next time. There is a pool back at the house but only erected yesterday and still needed filling to the top. Matt & family stayed overnight up on the moor arrived back just before 2pm. Daisy on my lap at the time. Hannah walked over to say hello, Daisy weeed on my lap. Love her!! I changed my shorts then headed off. What a scorcher!
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