483 days. That's how long were were locked in and restrained for. Over a year of all our lives.i Give it two months and we'll be counting again. Not because of the virus particularly, which is never going away, but because our "leaders' have absolutely no idea.
Strangely there wasn't a mass rush back to offices today. Not were people running round train carriages licking each other. The number of people travelling was roughly the same. The number of people in masks was roughly the same. The number of people washing their hands before entering a shop was roughly the same. Anyone with half an ounce of common sense would have predicted that. We don't need news reels on repeat telling us nothing has changed and the future is guess work, as it always is (next week's lottery numbers anyone).
My nephew and girlfriend have both just tested positive after his graduation on Thursday. They fine, feeling a bit sorry for themselves. S2 went back to her Uni house yesterday for a week of clubbing before she comes back for the summer, either to a placement job she's got a 2nd interview for or to spend it lolling about in her mum's house waiting for all her friends to finish work for the day. Luckily Step Dad buys their affections (and that of his own children) by randomly chucking money at them so she'll be happy. S1 is coming to is for the summer I think, probably to get away from her sister.
And on the second hottest day of the year Himself cooked a chilli, with roast potatoes (?) for tea. Which I made him (us) eat in the garden.
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