Garden Visitors

I had to wait in today for some deliveries. so you've got a blip of a couple of visitors to my garden. This morning I had to talk to Fitbit about two problems with the new Fitbit Charge 4 I received a couple of weeks ago.  I got cut off an incredible 8 times, but eventually got a replacement sent because of a battery problem. Another lovely day, and here it was a much nicer 24C. 

Day 490 / Day 1 of Step 4 of Roadmap Easing (for my record only)
Today was the so-called 'Freedom Day' in England where virtually all restrictions were removed. Ironically the Health Secretary is in isolation with Covid, the PM and Chancellor are self isolating as close contacts, and we're in a third wave which looks like having the most infections yet. Nightclubs have been kept closed whilst infections were low and today opened up with non-mandatory Covid passes despite high infection levels, then today the PM warned that from the end of Sept, proof of full vaccination will be required to enter a nightclub and venues with large crowds - I give up on the logic! Whilst all over 18s have been invited for a jab, 35% of 18-35s have yet to take up the offer (so if they want to go to a nightclub, they'll have to get their first jab now!). In the briefing (the PM online), the CSA said our infection rate is high and increasing and that has 5 causes for concern: 1 - the number of hospitalisations and deaths; 2 - increases in cases of Long Covid; 3 - risk of new variants emerging during high cases in a largely vaccinated population;  4 - impact on businesses via Covid and self-isolation (so-called 'pingdemic'); 5 - testing could become stretched. All of which again leaves me aghast that we're dropping mandatory mask wearing and social distancing in England. JVT referred to the Japanese 3 C's of risky situations for Covid - closed spaces with poor ventilation; crowded places with many people nearby and close-contact settings such as close-range conversations. He also introduced a new term 'aerobiology' which I looked up and is the study of airborne biological particles and their movement and impact on human, animal and plant health. A very small number of fully vaccinated critical workers will be exempt from self isolating for work purposes if id as a close contact of someone with Covid in order to keep vital services running. The US has told people to avoid travel to the UK. 60% of people in hospital with Covid are double-jabbed (to be expected given our high vaccination levels). The UK is not following a lot of other countries and will not be vaccinating children unless they are clinically vulnerable or living with at risk adults. Andrew Lloyd Webber has had to close Cinderella due to cast and crew having to self isolate. 

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