Juvenile Exposure

By SimonFraser

Wet ashes

Feeling a lot better today which is a bonus in itself! Woke up to the dogs barking frantically at passing clients coming to the house for speech and language therapy with Rupert's old teacher.
Now that the English Coursework is out of the way it was time to knuckle to the Art essay, 3000 words also... Why AQA why???
Slowly but surely and as the house went passed I managed to finish the essay by 2 o'clock so had the afternoon to do buggar all.
The rain has been pouring all day and everything is grey and miserable. Today's shot is of the reflection of a tree in the bird bath. The weather had bucked up by that point hence the blue sky.
Mum and I decided to light a fire and snuggle down to a film with a whole bag of Maltesers.... Each!
Quick supper then off to bed!

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