A fantastic morning spent running my second 5k race. I really shouldn't call it a race though, because I am there just for fun and to get in shape. And I was there with 34, 996 of my closest friends.
But considering I just started running 2 months ago, I am pretty stoked about my time....my personal best.

What makes it even more fun and what makes it work for me is the women I do it with. There are three of us who have been running together consistently for the last two months. And we have been lucky enough to have other good friends join us.. We are signed up for another 5k in May, and then a half in June. We talk together, sweat together, quite often laugh hysterically, and it is AWESOME.

And on top of all that, having an über supportive husband has just been the icing on the cake. I generally run around 4:30 or 5 a.m in an effort to not be gone from home when everyone else is here. There have been those Saturday runs and a couple races that take me away on weekend days. So, thanks buddy. It seriously wouldn't work the same without your support.

Never thought I'd say this, but I am LOVING running....

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