Day 483 Meeting the new arrival
Today Violet finally got to meet her new baby sister, firstly this morning, when she was popped round by a close friend of her mummy's. Later in the day it was our turn and Violet got a second chance to cuddle her new baby sister. She is just so excited and thrilled with the new addition it is lovely to see. It was not quite so lovely when sadly we had to take V home with us so the we can get her to school tomorrow, as her school is rather nearer to us than her own home. She was very brave though and understood that she had to spend just one more night apart from her mummy.
We had looked forward to the Summer holidays as being a quieter time with not so many early starts, but unfortunately Thames Water have seen fit to start works, for the umpteenth time, along the route that we take to get to daughter #2's house, so our journeys will be slow and tedious. There have been so many burst water mains in our area recently that one wag on a local FB group commented that our mains water pipes must be made of cardboard tubing stuck together with gaffer tape!
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