Friendly Faces.

These three trotted up to their field gate to say hello to us this morning they  are very friendly and seem happy to have someone to talk to for a few minutes.
Rant Alert! See today’s extra. We were aware that there was a big party in the wood last night but were not quite prepared to find the party still ongoing at 7.30am! However, we went back down the wood later and this is the haul of cans, bottles sweat top, backpack and other general detritus. Admittedly we didn’t pick all of that lot up, just the smaller bags. 
I really don’t mind the kids partying, even sleeping under the trees but I really wish they would tidy up their mess before they wander home!
Given that a fair number of them were well under the age to purchase booze, I do wonder what their parents thought they were up to all night.
Ok, rant over, thanks for listening.

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