The Day Started Well...
...then went a bit Aaaaaargh!
We left Apperley Bridge heading for Saltaire this morning. It was lovely and sunny and not yet too hot. We had a few swing bridges and locks to go through.
The Yoga group top left started as we went through Dobson 2 Locks. It was nice to watch them while we topped up the water tank.
Further along we saw this group of canoeists launching their very long craft.
Next were Field 3 Locks. This is where I got drenched from the waist to my toes on the way down last month due to the very leaky gates.
Today when I took the boat into the bottom lock it wasn't filling up. When Frank went to check why he found that whoever had come out of it last hadn't shut the paddles so the water was constantly escaping below the gates. Anyway eventually Frank got that sorted and I got into the middle lock. This is the one where the water was gushing out from high up on the gates so I reversed right to the back gates. I was suddenly desperate for a wee and when I thought it was safe enough I dashed to the loo and was back in seconds. At this point all seemed to be OK but then I heard water pumping out of the bilges. I looked down and saw the water was 3 inches from the top of the back deck and was in danger of coming over the top. I was somehow stuck on the gate. I shouted Frank and he told me to put the throttle on high - that did the trick and I was free. It gave me a fright - so many boats have succumbed to capsizing in locks and I am always watching and manoevering to stay in a safe position. Anyway, we thought that was the end of the drama...WRONG!
We moored up a bit further along and had a cuppa. Then I went through to the bedroom to put some things away and saw water everywhere. I got the dog towels and mop and dried it all but when I came back in the saloon felt the carpet under the sofa was wet too. We had to investigate further and found the water had come right through.
The afternoon was then spent taking the sofa apart to move the mattress. Frank spent about an hour trying to remove one small floor board to see underneath. He eventually did and sure enough there was water.
He phoned a friend of ours in Skipton who is a boat engineer. He assured us it would be OK and will check it all for us when we get back.
Once everything was tidied up and under the sofa cleaned and dried we had a coffee and a magnum then I sent Frank and Bella off for a pint so I could give everywhere a proper clean and hang things that got soaked out to dry.
I soon had it all ship shape and had a shower and felt much calmer.
That was our first mishap in 4 years and it is an experience we have both learned from!
At the time it was scary and stressful but afterwards I gave myself a good talking to.
What we went through today is nothing compared to the losses people have endured in the floods in Europe.
Frank said we should pat ourselves on the back for dealing with it all so well and avoiding a worse scenario.
The bottom photo shows the 'tide mark' just below the side and where the water was pumping out. Another few seconds and it would have been over the top.
We are now chilling out in Saltaire and will stay here tomorrow. Then on to Bingley on Tuesday.
I may have nightmares tonight! :-0.
Lesson learned - don't go for a wee whilst in the lock!
I hope you've all had a less eventful weekend!
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