Stolen! (Day 2264)

Much less windy today, so the wander up the hill with Sigyn first thing was a much more pleasant affair.
Back home and once my beautiful wife and I got organised, we headed across to Stromness to check on the horses and do the poo picking duties. Red has decided that I am a mobile scratching post, and follows me round the field nudging me and presenting his flanks for scratching.
Home for an early lunch, then out with Sigyn at Lyde.
We had time to spare before HV needed to head off to work, so we got the bikes out of the garage and had a pootle around. It was HV's first time out on the Bandit, and i reckon I won't be getting it back. Really great to be back out on bikes together again.
Later, as HV zoomed off to work, I dragged the ZZR600 (HV's bike) out of the garage, gave it a bit of a clean and got it started. It is now advertised for sale.

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