The Sky at Night

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I've really no idea what I'm doing with astrophotography - it's best practiced at a time when I'm not entirely conscious... And yet at our camp site on the coast near Lynmouth it was dark, and unlit, and largely unspoiled by light pollution from across the Bristol Channel. 

I took a chance and exposed five frames at 10 seconds each and this is the merged result. Inevitably I caught the edge of the trees we were camped under. But you can see the edge of the Milky Way - the galactic core wasn't visible while we were there. 

Standing under the stars (ahem, no-one could tell in the darkness but it was too hot for pyjamas, even if I wore them) it was amazing to look up into the uncountable universe. The more one looked the more one saw. And it was well worth the occasional midge bite; well, not all of them...

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