Farewell or until we meet again?

The Day to look forward.

Today we moved most of my step-mom's biggest furniture and belongings. Our kids and three of their student friends, as well as my step-brother and his friend were helping in this end, another folkes in the coastal new appartment - as my step-mom is now moving to her roots, to a small town of west coastal area.

This is the second time when one of our elderly relative is moving, and there is one thing in common: there is a lot of stuff. I still found my deceased father's belongings in the morning in one toilet closet.

A lot of stuff to move out.
A lot.

One problem was, that my step-mom has had remarkably exhausting year and she was tensed and tired as well as looking forward to the move. After all the good (and due my father's Alzheimer's also bad and painful) years she now is about to disappear. Our kids will loose one dear grandma.

I feel tired, empty, relieved too, and I understand that I already miss her. One chapter of life is about to be closed. Of course it is possible to drive and see her. It only takes about two hours by car.

So maybe this is not farewell, but so long until we meet again?

In the afternoon I had promised also to go and help my husband's parents too and I took my son's poodle with me.


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