Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Sowing the seeds

In what is quickly becoming Sunday tradition, we wandered over to Hemma for a late morning brunch. Unfortunately, because Ernie's rain cover was hanging up to dry from yesterday's ramble in the rain, we completely forgot to pack it. And guess what... It rained. A lot.

Doing what any self respecting dad would do, I covered Ernie's pram with my jacket, trundling home in just a sweater and gloves. Ah well. I'm sure it won't be the last time the wee man gets one over on me.

Inspired by Sharon's desire to plant a tree to mark Ernie's entrance to this world, we decided to pop to Dobbies to pick up a few pots for the plants we've been slowly acquiring.

Knowing how much Grandma loves her gardening, I had intended to rope her into helping with the repotting when she arrives on Wednesday but something inspired me to do it all today instead (four houseplants and five fruit tees; two golden delicious, one royal gala, one plum and a cherry).

Given our rotten weather I'm not holding out too much luck for these bad boys. To be honest, if just a couple make it through the end of the winter I'll be a very happy man.

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