
I had strenuous but satisfying walk in the Cairngorms with Django today. I slept well in the tent - "mountain dog" Django spurned it, preferring to sleep outside in the heather - but we were up and away for 07:00.

It was hard walking up into the strong wind, and I wondered whether we'd manage the route that I'd planned. But I got into a rhythm, and it went fine. We even reached a late patch of snow. The smallest and last of the five peaks we went over was much the best: the Devil's Point (pictured). The others were just big, largely featureless lumps, but the Devil's Point is a precipitous promontory, and a fine viewpoint.

After we came down (not directly!) we chilled at Corrour Bothy (see extra) before the long walk out through the beautifully wooded Glen Luibeg (see extra).

The drive home goes through Scotland's "berry country", and I had a wonderful punnet of strawberries on the first of the two breaks I took due to tiredness!

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