Phew, sorry to say this but I really do not like the heat, so I'm doing what I usually have to do at this time of the year and stay indoors with the fan on!!!

I had planned on going out after breakfast this morning before it got too hot or too busy, but unfortunately I had not sleep at all last night.  Being that time of the year I've been bitten again and got a really itchy spot on  my leg, which of course at night time doesn't allow me to rest, even with using anthisan (an anti-histomine) so I was way too wacked this morning.

Noticed some Bay Walkers crossing The Bay again today, so a huge crowd of them, no social distancing there I'm afraid. 

I've just popped into the garden to see if there was anything else to blip and I noticed this single beautiful flower so that's my blip for today.  I think it may be calendular but am not sure.  It must have seeded itself but it does look gorgeous.

Hope you are all well and that you do actually enjoy the heat, I so wish I did, but c'est la vie.

Thank you to those that let me know yesterday that my flower shot was not a cosmos it was a cistus, doh I should have known that. I'll try and remember it.

That's all for today.  do take care and stay safe.  See you all tomorrow.

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