Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Hello! I should really call this "English as she is truly broken".

This was the sign on the door at the A&E where G finally agreed to go (after only 5 days of being totally incapacitated with migraine headaches). A better day today though around 8pm the pain started coming back so at the advice of her cancer nurse, went to the hospital. The doctor not too concerned and sent her home. With suitable meds of course!

Back to this sign... I often say, people over here who say they speak English speak a version of it. With over 100 nationalities all living harmoniously together, English is the uniting language and boy do people of different nations have their own quirky uses of it!

This one is definitely phrased by someone from the Philippines. Not exactly proper English but it conveys the message and I guess folks follow it! It really is amazing how people here manage to understand what's being said. After 44 years, I'm an expert! :)) Does anyone need a multi-cultural specialist?

Update on car: A water pump has been located and finally delivered. It is going through stringent tests to make sure there are no more leaks so it can be delivered to me in a condition that ensures my car will not be back in their garage again this year! Works for me.

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