We had a quiet morning catching up on yesterday's wedding and how their holiday in Northumberland had been. Then we went to Saughton Park and for the first time we had lunch from the newish cafe sitting on these deckchairs.
A few months ago my daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. She has been really unwell but is currently on a new treatment which is working well. She is still extremely tired all the time though so she had a sleep when we got home.
My son in law and I levelled the area in front of my shed where my wheelie bins will be stored so all I need is to get more "red chuckies" to put down then all the work is finished. The only problem is I now have 16 bags of soil so have booked another trip to the dump!! I did express my gratitude for the help as it would have been a nightmare trying to do it all myself.
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