Capital adventures

By marchmont


I was up very early - mainly because the clock on my new 'all singing all dancing' toothbrush told me it was 8, when it was actually 7.

This means I have cleared the paperwork backlog, sorted out all the things to do with the flat and make a lovely 'to do' list on the whiteboard in my office.

Unfortunately I have not found the elusive cat. After the rain stopped raining, the sleet stopped sleeting and the sun finally came out I distributed leaflets around the neighbours, shouted 'Molly' many times and rattled food. E came and helped - but no sign. Not much else I can do - just hope she is sheltering somewhere and that she finds her way home.

I've started putting up pictures. Always makes it feel a bit more like home when the pictures go up.

I think this is a almond - flowering against a deceptively blue sky. It is still baltic outside.

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