Front .......

...... Garden!
The only blip I've taken today !!
Oh what an exciting life I have! Had 2 appointments at the hospital. Not anything horrendous , just an annoying interlude.
When I returned home thought I'd call at Waitrose , just a quick in and out I thought. The couple of items collected, paid for and out. Only to sit in the car for 15 minutes as I was blocked in by a lorry, delivering some machinery , ? what must say it looked as if he was going to mow a field with a tractor like contraption?
Finally got home put car and said shopping away and made a cuppa, at 2pm I think I deserved it
I had a lovely video call with M in Greece who said she was indoors as its 34% c there. Must say it took until 10.30am for the sun and blue sky to arrive here ( 24%c)missed a call from C but she said she will phone latter the Rev text to see if I was ok bless him.
Well its tablet time again ,another delight of my day, so hope you're all enjoying your day.

Thoughtful ..... that summer may just have arrived.

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