
This is as high as Squirrel could scrabble when it spotted Ali and I walking towards it this morning. Stayed up there keeping a beady eye on us while I snapped it.

Just look at that sky though, it's been a beautiful day. Tidied a corner of the garden until it got too hot. Hoping to get some outdoor chores done this weekend as the forecast is for hot, sunny weather.

Spoke to Hayley earlier,  she sounded tired and stressed. It's been manic at school, 20 members of staff off, lots of covid cases in the school. And still she hasn't had her second jab. She's called in to the drop in centre 3 times, but has been turned away. Crazy that a teacher can't get a second jab. She turned up really early one morning, but the vaccines hadn't arrived, she couldn't wait as she's been told categorically that staff cannot take time off during school hours for the vaccine. Really can't understand it.

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