I noticed this wasp on top of our bean planter (currently occupied by broad beans) as we were sitting in the garden having a nice cup of tea (as they say). Always a pleasant thing to do on a sunny, warm morning. and after a pretty hectic start to the day, .
Queen wasps chew wood in early summer to construct a golf ball sized nest. When the workers emerge later they do the same to enlarge the nest. So somewhere nearby there must be a growing nest.
The rational me knows that wasps have their place and are indeed beneficial - good pollinators. As long as we don’t bother them they won’t bother us. And objectively, their distinct warning markings are attractive.
The irrational side of me will be flapping his arms around madly like the next person when I am sitting in the garden trying to eat or drink something which a wasp also thinks looks particularly appetising. They are nothing if not persistent.
The irrational side always wins in those circumstances.
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