All returns to normal!!
You'll be pleased to know, Danbo returned safely, along with some blip mojo, although Elf not returned yet!!!
Today started with snow lots of it, I almost didn't go to the gym it was so bad, but decided to brave it thank goodness I did cause 10 miles away at the gym they had rain no snow not even a flutter most bizarre!!
Home from the gym and onto the local garden centre where we purchased a chicken coop, some chicken food, some chicken bedding and 5 bloody chickens!!! I hope I don't regret this I didn't say no but there again would it have made any difference, I think not they got a snake when I said no!! They arrive at their new home tomorrow!! Eeekkkk Eggs anyone???
Oh and nearly forgot I purchased this camera it's not captured to its full, cause its got a folding up lens I have no idea how to use it, what film it takes, but I love it. It also had its original receipt which bizarrely showed it was purchased at the village Glenn's dad grew up in!! Couldn't believe it the said village is mobberly up near Manchester a long way from MK that's for sure.
Then we ended up at our favourite restaurant for a steak roast, I'd fancied a roast but then when we arrived I wanted the steak so they kindly made it up as a roast for all of us. Yorkshire pudding, roasties with steak again randomly bizarre but very tasty!!
Now slobbing in front of the fire watching telly and glad I braved the weather for the gym!!!
:) x
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