Avian interlude
I wheeled the buggy and the twins to the park twice today. Once from the playgroup and once from their house, to meet their mum and older brother. It takes some strength to steer and wheel the double buggy, believe me! We had some very enjoyable play ( I liked being the Big Bad Wolf!)
Apart from the childcare session, I've been at home trying to catch up on reading, and other chores. I even managed an hour in the hammock, but when I got up to go inside to watch the news, I found a little bird fluttering around the dining room. We do tend to keep the doors open in summer, and this was a little blue tit. CleanSteve caught it in a teatowel, and then cupped it in his hands but it didn't want to let go and get on to the hedge. Eventually a cheeping from the bushes above where he was trying to release it gave it the confidence to hop off. When we tried to photograph it, discreetly, it flew up. I hope it was reunited with its parent.
St Swithin's Day today. The weather has been more than fine. Fingers crossed that next forty days will bring more of the same. For those who aren't familiar with the legend, the following is from the BBC website:
Well, today is St Swithin's day. It takes place on 15 July each year, and according to traditional folklore, whatever the weather is like on St Swithin's Day - whether rain or sunshine - it will continue for the next 40 days and 40 nights.
But where does this legend come from and is there any truth to it?
What is the story of St Swithin?
The old poem goes like this...
"St Swithin's Day, if it does rain
Full forty days, it will remain
St Swithin's Day, if it be fair
For forty days, t'will rain no more"
Swithin was a man born in or around the year 800. He became Bishop of Winchester.
Unlike other religious figures, he asked not to be buried in a prominent place within Winchester Cathedral, but outside in a simple tomb "where the sweet rain of heaven may fall upon my grave".
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