
This beauty is the Swallow-tailed Moth. This was a first for the year. It is strictly nocturnal and is only on the wing during July, so although it's fairly widespread, it is not seen that often. The lava's preferred food plant is ivy, and we have a few plants in the garden, so hopefully it will feel at home. Today is St Swithin's day, our wedding anniversary, and folklore has it that fine weather today will presage a fine spell of 40 days. The forecast for the next few days would seem to bear that out. Fingers crossed. 
St Swithin's Day, if it does rain
Full forty days, it will remain
St Swithin's Day, if it be fair
For forty days, t'will rain no more
I won't put the trap out tonight as I'm hoping to get out fairly early to join a field meeting with some invertebrate enthusiasts.

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