Faffed about photo of the back alley in the late afternoon sun for Abstract Thurday ("lines"). I didn't get out with the camera as we had someone in to clean the carpets today - what a difference! The carpets are ancient but Malcolm comes in once a year, talks non-stop about World War 2 and how wonderful Brexit is, but does a great job and charges a pittance, so I grit my teeth and hide in the office for the duration.

I did pop out before he arrived though to see one of the Wild Girls whose husband died yesterday. He's been in a care home for about 18 month with really rapid Alzheimers and more recent terminal cancer. She says he didn't know her at all when she visited at the beginning of the week and she really lost him before he went in, but now she can start to grieve. It's such a dreadful disease.

(Extra is the unfaffed version.)

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