Seeing Red spots!
Son & DIL are going back to Majorca on Saturday so they required to do a PCR test. I phoned the local hospital and explained everything to them. Could they do a PCR test then. "NO" "What, why not" "we can only do them if you have symptoms" "What about the local fire station, they are advertising PCR tests?" "NO" Why not?"
"because you need to go to a private company do to a PCR for foreign travel" (somewhat exsasperated through gritted teeth") " Ok then please give me list of private companies that do private PCRs" "NO"
"What, why not?" 'Because its a private company so we cannot divulge their names" (rolling about the floor in rage) "So how do I go about finding the names of these top secret not to be divulged private companies" "you could try Google, is that all?"
Well she was a big help so I phoned the font of all knowledge , my eldest daughter who orders PCRs all the time for her film crews. "Correct says she, you need to use a private company if there's foreign travel involved so here's the one I use "and she gave me the number of this lot in GLASGOW!! So son, DIl & one year old baby & I had to hoof it down to Glasgow to the Merchant City which has transpired into downtown New York or some damn place! place was full of horses and weird stuff. Twenty minutes later they were back and we were back up the road and £200 worse off!! What a f*****g rip off!!
They had to go all the way to some dodgy clinic that removes your body hair (for a small fortune) to get their test. What kind of world are we living in!
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