Day 479 Another sunshine day
This morning I had the sixth and last of my post op physio sessions so this was my last opportunity to ask questions and address any particular issues. We decided today to tackle kneeling. or rather getting up from kneeling as I can get down but the journey back up is difficult and undignified to say the least!
This afternoon we sat in the garden for a while, enjoying the sunshine, and I wandered round taking yet more photos of flowers and insects. Today's choice is a bee working at one of our many types of cranesbill: I liked this shot because the sunlight is shining through the petals of the flower. In extras I've put a shot of a bee incoming, not so clear but I did like the little face.
In other news: we woke to learn that face coverings will remain mandatory on London transport after 19 July. Face coverings and and social distancing will also remain mandatory in all types of healthcare settings too.
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