
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows, 

I met Shenée for coffee this morning. She told me how much she had enjoyed meeting Tiger and how much she liked him.

"He had a really nice energy about him," she put it.

I know that this phrase can be cliched when applied to others, but it really is entirely appropriate for Tiger. I defy anyone not to like him immediately. 

What I was surprised about, was how quickly Shenée tapped into his exact sense of humour. Literally. Within seconds. 

"I CAN'T wait to meet Loulou in Greytown," she added.

Ah yes. That reminded me of something. Something I needed to warn Shenée about. 

"Um," I began. "Something I need to tell you about Loulou..." I said. "She IS lovely... and um... everything... It's just that she... well, she... she has a favourite word."

She does you know. And it is a word that I have found some Kiwis find VERY OFFENSIVE.

"Is it c***?" asked Shenée. 

"It IS c***!" I replied, somewhat surprised.

"Oh thank f***," added Shenée. "There are some evenings I like to break out with a couple of c***s myself."

I was very relieved. Kiwis can be VERY touchy on the subject of c***. Even LEMON wouldn't let me say it. 

I related this story to Tiger later in the day.

"Oh, she's going to fit RIGHT in," he said.

He's right you know. Shenée is, as Loulou would say, a good c***.


p.s. Look at that little face! He's cute, and he knows it.

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