Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Vertical walking

Woke to a surprise sprinkling of snow. Did the supermarket run (yawn) then a thought struck us.... a walk, we could go for a walk. So we did, over to Horton in Ribblesdale for an ascent of Pen-y-Ghent. There was more snow than we expected and the way up was a smidge outside of my comfort zone, icy and with that horrid jelly leg feeling. However, the views were sublime and well worth the effort. When we got to the top a young lad kindly offered us a jaffa cake, there were 80 of them there doing a sponsored walk to raise money for a youth club. Now normally my heart would sink at the sight of a crowd at the top of a peak, but somehow today with their jolliness (and of course the jaffa cake) it all felt rather comrade-like. We also met another gentleman who admitted that his choice of a SALAD!!!!!! for his packed lunch had been a poor one!
The walls were covered in beautiful feathery haw frost, so beautiful.
We headed down in deep snow (the lads had taken off their coats and used them as tobbogans!) and by the time we got back down to village level, the sun was shining on the slopes of Pen-y-Ghent. Stunning. Yes, we agreed, walking is good for the heart and legs, but also so very good for the soul.

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