Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Two Tree Island Revisited

While I’ve been getting up up at about 4am quite a lot recently, I haven’t bothered venturing outside at that time as it hasn’t seemed worth it... photographically. This morning was no different but I thought I’d give it a go rather than doing the usual and just drowning myself in coffee.

I went to Two Tree Island where, as usual, nothing outstanding was happening except a grey sunrise so I took another photo of this boat. It was Einstein who was widely accredited with saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Hmm…

Before heading home I popped into Old Leigh where dirty great bags of cockles (I presume) were being loaded onto a lorry for transportation, thus the very journal-like extra from me.

Once home I drowned myself in coffee anyway.

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