campervan man

By campervan

Surprise present

Wife one is at work today but messaged to tell me there is a delivery on the door step. I opened it (it was addressed to me) and found these four lovelies nestling inside. Chelsea bums the simply ooze sticky syrup over your fingers as you eat them. Unhealthy, dangerous and unbelievably delicious. Wife One is a wonderful, lovely and very patient person.
The following is not an advert as Blip would not approve. 
Fitzbillies is a bakers in Cambridge and has been an essential part of undergraduate life for over 100 years. All their cakes and snacks are very good but their Chelsea buns are just wonderful.
The last time I was in their café I listened to four students on the next table, two North American, one Eastern European and one obviously British discussing their recent science lecture. They were so animated and enthusiastic it was really quite uplifting. Although I heard every word very clearly I had not the first idea what they were talking about. I still came away feeling really good, maybe it was the youngsters or maybe the buns.


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