
By Mindseye

Pretty in purple

Slept well last night after a rubbish night the night before.
I didnt rush this morning, then ended up having to wash my hair before going to meet sis, which made me later than i expected.

We did our usual pottering, shopping, a bit of lunch, grocery shopping then back to hers. After she had,prepped tea, we had a cuppa then took Kobi out for his afternoon walk, here he is modelling his purple rather sparkly head collar. Hes still not allowed tomfree run,manother couple of weeks on the lead before he can escape it.

Have caught up with our three at differing times during the day, they all seem to be doing ok, most of the time, at least.
Think Im the same to be honest......we all still feeling our way.

In extras you can see what he had for his dinner lol! He is raw fed, so in his bowl, besides the chickens foot, which didnt last 5 seconds, was duck mince, pork fillet, liver, kidney, brains, grated parsnip and cabbage, keffir with blueberries (frozen heart shaped lol) jellied bone broth, cocunut oil, spirulina powder and hemp oil, I think that was everything lol?!!

We had pork fillet with spring onions in oyster sauce, withmspicy onion rice.

Drove home, watered my baskets, deadheaded them, put my groceries away, had a brew, watched Piers talking to Sir Cliff, really entertaining actually, and am now thinking its almost bed time.

Night all, stay safe.

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