Another bug (Day 2259)

I was back to the house re-furb this morning, and the first job of the day was to change the flush mechanism on a WC I fitted not long ago. The design is rubbish and despite my best efforts to make it work, it just wont behave. 
After I had changed it, I spent the rest of the morning coring a hole through the wall of the utility room for the sink and washing machine waste. Following the original plan, I had routed the waste a different way, but the plan has changed and the waste pipe route has had to change too. 
I ran out of things to do as lunchtime approached and headed home to have lunch with  my beautiful wife, then went out to deal with call outs in Finstown, Dounby and Stromness.
Back home without a picture taken for blip I spent a while in the garden taking blurry pics of bees and butterflies until I managed to get a shot of this guy.

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