Some astilbes I planted in a relatively shady spot last year, under Mrs. Tree and against some getting-quite-big laurel bushes. I hadn't been a big fan before but think they look nice there. And, happily, a clump of crocosmia in the extra; some bulbs my mom sent me, from the beach, came through for a second or third year. I know in some areas people have to pull them out or they get carried away, but they don't seem to survive long here. But while they do, they remind me of the beach.
Dear Blip friends - Tomorrow I am going to turn off comments on my journal for the next month or two. I've got a self-imposed writing deadline at the end of the summer to finish the novel I started drafting in the fall of 2019. I'll still post a daily blip and will check in periodically because I really love following all your journals. Thanks so much for visiting mine! x
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