Anyone need a spare goalie !!

A busy day dominated by sport, but in my normal manner I was doing more than one thing at a time. 

The men's final from Wembley was superb and it was good to see Djokovic win, but Matteo Berrettini did himself proud. 

The football is on at present and even though I'm not a footie fan, I’m watching it because I watched 'the' game back in 1966. The one that everyone's talking about.

I was on holiday in Elgin visiting family. I had been at a dance in the Two Red Shoes the night before and was invited to join some people who were going to The Tower Hotel to watch it. I had never been inside the very old unique building and was curious so went. I can't remember much about the event, someone did explain the significant points. But I do remember a bloke, who fancied himself as a singer, singing Danny Boy at the end. Much to the amusement of the group I cried, I was mortified. I will join in with the singing of Sweet Caroline tonight, one of my old time favourites and be happy. 

England scored early in the first half and Italy have just equalised!! That should liven things up !!!!

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