Blue Tailed Damselfly

Another quiet day at home and the weather deteriorating with rain later. In the garden this tiny damselfly sits on one of the pond iris leaves.

I don't quite have clarity on where I sit the the billionaire space race. I am confident humanity has a future in space. If it can continue to hold a future on the planet - something which is now critically precarious. 

The American and Russian space race of the sixties accelerated our technology, but this game played between Branson, Bezos and Musk seems only a private re-enactment of those early triumphs. Albeit a shinier one. I watched the 'Galactic" flight, but perhaps I was underwhelmed this time.

And now all is quiet... except, no, wait... what's that in the distance. Yes, already the alcohol fuelled chant can be heard from the local hosteries... I hope everyone has fun, is entertained and good sportsmanship is seen on and off the field. What's on the other channel?

Oh. Ok. Home is apparently where the football's coming back to... the only issue at stake is who's home.

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