Along the shore (Day 2257)

After the morning wander up the hill with Sigyn, my beautiful wife and headed across to Stromness to get out on the horses.
We had a really nice ride along the shore and through the middle of Stromness before looping back to the shore and parking the horses in their field again. Stromness was busy with tourists and we stopped to speak to a fair few folk on the way. George and Jeeps used the opportunity to prune hedges whilst we blethered.
Home for bacon sandwiches, then out to Lyde with Sigyn. There was time to get the lawn cut before HV and I zoomed across to Stromness again. I had a call out to deal with, so left HV doing hoss stuff in the field. She was still busy when I got back, so I sat on the grass and gave George a scratch.
Back home for dinner before HV zoomed off for an overnight shift at work.

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