The End of a Stormy Night

Looking down the Martisberg to Reusch valley that I walked up yesterday I felt very weird after an almost sleepless night. A huge storm had raged around the Diablerets Range from 10pm and the thunder crashes felt like they were trying to spilt open the roof of the Diablerets Hut. They only stopped around 2pm. I had hoped to see the mother and baby bouquetin that have been near the hut each morning recently but the storm must have driven them to find shelter lower down. I did spot a few Eidelweiss (extra) though.
Today’s walk took me up to Diablerets Glacier and across to the Quille where I had seen some Wallcreepers in March but the wind and fog were both too strong. I just got a glimpse of the Matterhorn before setting off back to get the télécabine back down (wonderful knee saving device!). Of course, I am now watching the tennis, gladiatorial!

Hope you had a great weekend too. I need serious sleep tonight but the football is on soon and David has a friend coming over. It’s going to be a late night after this sporty weekend.

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