Elephants never forget
How do we know this?
Humans do forget, however. One of the more bizarre things I've been asked for recently is my grandfather's National Insurance number. I was 12 when he died, a mere 44 years ago. I doubt if anyone alive knows it.
My mother was worrying about the council tax when I rang her. But, according to my youngest sister whom I contacted, it's all set up, she's been getting a single person discount and paying it by DD since February. Mother does tend to get a bee in her bonnet about any one thing. She had also forgotten that the house on Loch Etive side where she formerly lived is not sold, but rented out.
I am not looking forward to getting older and losing my elephantine memory. I'd also hate to live so long that there was no one else alive to share my memories, assuming I still had any.
In the market today, I discovered that I hadn't brought my phone! This meant that CleanSteve had to take all my card payments, of which there were many. I had to keep interrupting his conversations.
Lowlight of the day was visiting Poundland. The store is closing down, and everything is half price. I'd decided to go back and buy some reading glasses. Fortunately, I got four pairs for £2. Unfortunately, the queue extended from the front to the back of the store, which is a former Woolworths, herefore large. Everyone was very good natured, but it'll probably turn out to be a superspreader event.
Social distancing has gone out of the window in most parts of Stroud. My next indoor market stall won't be socially distanced. There'll be 12 stalls instead of 6. That is, if Freedom Day goes ahead on 19th July. Freedom's just another word that (some) Tories love to pronounce.
My former landlady's funeral will be on 20th July. She was one my favourite 90 year olds who died recently. I have permission to leave work early to change out of my end of term cleaning gear and into something more suitable. Phew.
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