Sea Mayweed & a Swim
A dull humid day but the sun peeped out briefly at 4pmish and I nipped down to the sea. No one about, no jellies and it was all rather nice. The sea mayweed is out in abundance, one for Miranda's wildflower challenge.
I will catch up tomorrow as we have friends coming round for supper. They're off to Canada shortly which has just opened its borders to people with families over there and they can't wait to see their little grandson.
Menu (by Himself):
Dips: guacamole, hummus & handmade crisps
Mains: Quesadillas stuffed with beany stuff
tomato salsa
green salad
fruit salad (strawberries, apricots & peaches with thyme)
cream fraiche
Accompanied with elderflower sparkles or cava
Mmmmm. Catch you tomorrow.
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