
I’ve been a busy bee today, I love that I can be a bit more independent, it’s seemed a long time coming.

Laundry done, housework done, oven cleaned. Time then for a bit of retail therapy before back home for more tidying.

By this time, it was only lunch! The time goes so slowly when I have to entertain myself.

Next up…..clearing out the wardrobes. In honour of my promise to my consultant that I won’t wear heels for the wedding, I decided to get rid of all of my ridiculously high shoes as I don’t think I’ll be able to wear them (confidently) again.
I’m on pair 3 of wedding shoes now. As you can see in the photo, the heels have got progressively smaller well, down to non existent!

Four bags of stuff later and I was done!
For now ;-)

DQ x

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