In Heggie's Muir Woods.
It's been a lucky day. I was over a pound lighter when I stepped on the scales. The Perth camera shop phoned to say my camera was ready to collect. I got a lot of work done on Galloway for Veda. Printed the completed bits and put them into a loose leaf folder. Very posh. I've still a way to go but I'm pleased. I'll have my own copy and can add to it over time.
Checked to see if geraniums I want are in stock yet. No. So I found another specialist nursery and bought three. One isn't bee friendly so I used that as an excuse to buy an extra one I've hankered after for a while. A book on Galloway arrived. One of photos by a top photographer. Discovered it includes a map where he has pinpointed where they have all been taken which is great. Was just about to go to the garden centre when Courtney's shark story arrived so I'll give it to her tomorrow. I was hoping the garden centre might have some small paving and they have but not quite small enough for in my borders. However I got new plants for my house number plant box which is good. The present violas are at the end of their life.
Afterwards I went to Heggie's Muir Wood. I really wanted to find a way into the disused gravel pit across the road but I got the position of the gate wrong. Came back through the wood and had a wonderful time taking photos. Old trees, fallen trees, young trees. It's an amazing mixture.
On the way back to Falkland I thought my luck had run out. A warning light came on as I was nearly home. I saw Alan was still at the garage and went in feeling a bit bad as he was just closing. But, being Alan, he got the computer out, plugged it in and the decision was that it might be nothing but if something was wrong it was electronic and to do with the turbo charger. Turbo charger ? This is a Volkswagon Polo. However, there's no danger, I won't break down, the lights gone out. If it comes on over the weekend come in on Monday. I'm to do that anyway as he knows someone who will repair the scraped paintwork. After that we went onto his daughter. I remember her being born. Now she's left school, at college, taking driving lessons and racing motorbikes at Knockhill race course. Alan used to race too. He's finding out how nail biting it is to watch someone you care about doing the same thing. I'm so lucky to have his garage just round the corner.
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