Mae'r prawf yn y post
Mae'r prawf yn y post ~ The test is in the post
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Yn ddiweddar rydym wedi profi rhywbeth o ymateb y wlad i'r firws. Rydw i'n siŵr ei fod e'n blaen y mynydd iâ, ond rydyn ni wedi gweld y cyflymder a chyflawnder yr ymateb gan NHS, Post Brenhinol ayyb.
Heddiw derbyniodd Dan a fi'r canlyniadau o'r profion ddoe - negyddol. Hefyd mae'r pecyn prawf Nor'dzin wedi cyrraedd. Gwnaeth hi'r prawf ac es i i'r pentref i bostio fe. Rydw i'n siŵr cawn ni weld y canlyniadau’n fuan.
Rydw i'n teimlo mor ddiolchgar i'r llawer o bobl a sefydliadau sy'n gwneud yr ymateb hwn yn bosib ac yn trio i gadw ni'n ddiogel.
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We have recently experienced something of the country's response to the virus. I'm sure it's the tip of the iceberg, but we've seen the speed and completeness of the response from NHS, Royal Mail etc.
Today Dan and I received the results from yesterday's tests - negative. Also Nor'dzin's test kit has arrived. She did the test and I went to the village to post it. I'm sure we'll see the results soon.
I feel so grateful to the many people and organisations who make this response possible and are trying to keep us safe.
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