Compost bins

Today was the only day this week with nothing planned (apart from dinner in the evening).  However my daughter suggested a walk and as she starts her new job next week and there will be limited opportunities, I was happy to agree.  We met half way at Godstone and did a lovely walk that I did with my sister last week.  Around six miles in beautiful countryside, stopping for a sandwich half way.  I spotted these compost bins on our route and whilst not a great photo it will be good to show my OH the sort of compost bins I would like him to build.  Probably not with railway sleepers but something that is not as heavy?  We walked and chatted and loved our time together.

Home for a cup of tea, half an hour in the garden tying the dahlias up then shower and change for dinner out for friends birthday.  Stupid rule of six meant we were on two tables, so we decided to eat outside under heaters.  However it was ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and the service ( for which we were charged an optional £23) was awful.  My sea bass was also over cooked and they forgot the wine!  Not a great evening. We knocked the service charge off the bill and left a discretionary ten quid instead!

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