Coastal Cemetery Stories
One of my favorite things to do here in Machiasport is to wander through the old part of the cemetery next to our house. These old weathered stones are still telling so many poignant stories years later. Many the inscriptions or tales involve mishaps involving the sea.
There is one very tall tale of a local sea captain's wife who perished from a sickness while at sea. She was sailing aboard ship with her husband and his crew. Her body was placed in a barrel of rum to preserve it as best they could until the vessel reached Machiasport for a proper burial. Her stone is under a very old tree in the cemetery, I wonder how much truth there is to the story.
For the Record,
This day came in sunny with increasing clouds. We too a ride to Ellsworth for some errands and fun shopping in the stores on the main street. We had lots of fun poking around, especially at the store with cool things for cooks and kitchens. We escaped the rain today, but I think we will not be os lucky tomorrow. Hurricane Elsa awaits us as well with her rain coming up the coast.
All hands and paws happy
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