
By Julesey

Give it back!!

Seems cruel , but Munchy is an awesome jumper if you dangle his favourite toy a few feet off the ground. That said, a string of sausages nearly came a cropper as I carried them across the kitchen as I underestimated how high he can jump. ANyway, he owes me today. Little sh*t sneaked into the dishwasher to do a prewash on the breakfast plates and when I caught him and yelled he shot out of the dishwasher taking the whole lower tray with him resulting in all my plates being thrown on the floor. Luckily only one casualty.
Still getting to grips with my new flash as instructions badly translated from chinese and I cannot make sense of it, However, with a bit of help from Steve ( in a good mood after the rugby) we teased Munchy into jumping for the camera. I love the intent look on his face!!

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