My pond overfloweth

The recent deluges have filled the pond to absolute maximum, and it rained more today but there was also some sun. The dwarf water lily is doing well.

A day off, reclaimed time. I swam, match and booked the bike into Halfords next week. I now think it's the tyre that's the problem.

Then I got loads done, including some domestic stuff. There was a wee bit gardening, a trip to the garden centre and I cut the grass and even did the edges. That was hard work in the humidity. And a trip to Marchmont to feed Alfie. He is a fat cat.

Lunchtime communicated with KL. Messages to #2 son and a long call to #1 son. He was surprised to hear from me. I think he thought there was a crisis. There wasn't but we had a good catch up, an update on the worrying situation out there (it will be ages before I get back there) and even a quick hello to the girls who were between bath and bed. And #1 son updated me on all his medical forays.

Watched TV in the evening but not a certain football match. The coverage was overwhelming. No for me it Location x 3.

F2F - 5
Phone calls - 3
Virtual - 0.5

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