Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Black headed gull

A dul day weatherwise, rainy for most of the day with blizzards on the way back up the Rest and Be Thankful after the Sons' game against Morton.

No luck today at the game. The team played really well but just couldn't stick the ball in the net. having said that , despite having most of the play in the first half we didn't score , Morton did and scored twice , two absolute crackers!

No way back another goal for the team across the river in the second half , a final result of 3- 0 , didn't really reflect Dumbarton's play , need to sort that final pass int the last third. I did manage some football blips but the light wasn't great.

Any way I liked the blipsIi took at the riverside where we had our lunch. No , not on the picnic benches but in the car. No way were we eating the football pies or drinking watery bovril , healthy wholemeal rolls filled with healthy sald and chicken from a certain scottish baker's shop was our choice.

I enjoyed watching the herring gulls and black headed gulls swooping and diving over the River Leven. Tonight's blip was chosen because I liked the comical appearance / pose of the gull top left. A wee bit of jiggery pokery with the small boat in the water. It was a really garish orange and blue and very distracting so I did some selective mono work on it to make it blend into the background.

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