Fraggle Rock

By frisky



YOU - Yes, you reading this and wondering "Does he mean me?" Click the left of the picture too see yesterday's shot - Never got half the audience I think it should have!!!




Today we have a shot of Amy during one of our games of "Guess Who" this evening. Quite proud of this shot, like the expression/thoughtfulness I have captured & the glint of light from the Butterfly hair band (type thing).

Brilliant day, even though the weather decided to pull out all the stops to keep us in the house... Whole family took a gentle stroll along to WHEC for a swim. Erin joined us in the pool for a bit (Crutches left poolside obviously). Brilliant time, whole family shattered afterwards.

Home to a tea of Scotch Pie & Chips with curry sauce (Nom nom nom).

Kids to rooms early (For a Saturday), me & Erin watched the Russell Brand Comic Relief gig thing from last week - Nice and relaxing evening for us.

Happy weekend blippers

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