Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Almost forgot !

To blip :0 ..
Remembered just before I scoffed my second batch of profiteroles in 24 hours ...

I forgot to tell you all yesterday that Moonchops and I went to look at a kitten for the Moonchops household .. The kitten is to be named Jemima-Doris and is only 4 weeks old so The fat head family (yes even the kids have massive chops.. Not so much Mr Moon) cannot have her for a few weeks yet.

Today Wiggy and I did a good 4 mile wander without fat jammer Tits McGee and discussed if Tits hair was wet would she look like Postman Pat ?

Ps a lot of our names for each other are 'in jokes' and should only be taken seriously if we don't like you ;) xx

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