Cotswold Lavender

Our settee delivery for today has been altered to next week so we had an unexpected free day.  We checked the weather forecast and the morning was clear.  Allegedly.  So off we went!

Unfortunately it started to rain a few minutes after we got there but not too heavily and I managed to get some shots.  I had never been there before and I was a little disappointed if I'm honest.  I love the colour of the lavender and the scent was gently permeating everything.  I didn't think it was worth £7 per person though.  Been there done that now.  The only other lavender field I have been to was in New Zealand on the road up to Mt Cook.  Those fields were much more impressive.

Mini breakfast meet up with some blippers tomorrow.

We are thinking of organizing a blipmeet to Witley Court and Church in Worcestershire on 4 August.  Put it in the diary if you fancy coming!

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